In the spirit of abundance, good fortune and generosity that should prevail during the holidays, I am excited to announce that Kids Unplugged is offering a second fabulous prize for the 2014 Passports with Purpose fundraiser to support Sustainable Harvest International.
If you happened to miss Monday’s post announcing our first prize, a 2-night Family Ski and Stay Package at the Bolton Valley Ski Resort in Vermont, be sure head over there to find out all about that. That post also explains everything there is to know about both the history behind and mission of Passports with Purpose and the work of this year’s campaign recipient Sustainable Harvest International.
In the meanwhile, get ready to bid on another great prize–8 Passes to the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Connecticut. If you are in the tri-state area and haven’t visited Norwalk’s Maritime Aquarium, it is an absolute gem of a family destination. Featuring the unique marine animals who make the Long Island Sound their home, Norwalk’s Maritime Aquarium takes visitors on a tour of the Sound beginning on it’s shores, on through marshlands and river-woodlands, and finally into its deeper waters and out to the open ocean. The Aquarium also works to promotes conservation of both the Long Island Sound and marine habitats worldwide.
Visit the Seals

Photo Courtesy of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium
When you arrive at the Aquarium the first exhibit you encounter is the indoor/outdoor harbor seal habitat. The Aquarium is home to several harbor seals, the type of seal seen most frequently in New England waters. The seal enrichment and feedings that happen several times daily is one of our favorite parts of a visit.
Pet the Rays–and the Sharks!

Photo Courtesy of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium
The Sharks and Rays gallery is one of the Aquarium’s newest exhibits and features an enormous pool where visitors can reach in and pet the soft backs of several types of sharks and rays under the supervision of the Aquarium’s wonderful volunteers.
Watch the Sharks

Photo Courtesy of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium
A great place to rest for a while, the spotlight of the Ocean Beyond the Sound is the 110,000 gallon pool that is home to a number of tiger sharks, a lemon shark and a variety of other large fish. Shark feedings and discussions are offered throughout the day and are another time to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge shared by the Aquarium’s staff and volunteer docents.
Admire the Jellies

Photo Courtesy of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium
One of the most magical exhibits in the Aquarium is the jellyfish habitat. A tall, well-lit, cylindrical pool resides in the center of a darkened room where visitors can lose themselves in the undulating rhythm of the jellies. The height of the pool makes it easy for even the smallest guests to admire the jellyfish both from above and below.
Enjoy the Touch Tank

Photo Courtesy of the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium
A favorite among the younger crowd is the Intertidal Touch Tank. Again manned by friendly Aquarium volunteers, the tank enables up close encounters with a wide variety of smaller (and harmless!) sea creatures like horseshoe crabs, whelks, hermit crabs, sea stars and spider crabs. Time here is always a highlight of our visits and the kids would likely spend all day here.
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This is just a brief overview of all that the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium has to offer. In years past, my girls and I visited frequently and even had a family membership for a while. One thing about the Maritime Aquarium that makes a membership great, especially if you plan to visit a few times in the course of the calendar year, is that it is super cost effective. A day there is not an inexpensive outing. For this reason, it would be fantastic to win these 8 passes, enabling a family of four to visit twice–all for the price of a donation to help families in Central America who will reap the benefits of the funds raised by Passports with Purpose.
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