Help to Support Kids Unplugged!

Dear Kids Unplugged Enthusiasts,

Kids Unplugged is currently working toward becoming a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. With this comes attorneys, accountants, legwork, and filing fees.

You have all shown your support for the important mission of Kids Unplugged with your steady participation in our hikes and farm programs. Beginning in September, families will be able to join Kids Unplugged as members for a $60 annual donation. With membership you will receive a Kids Unplugged t-shirt, participation in all Kids Unplugged events for the calendar year, and a 10% discount per child on Fishkill Farms registration fees. For non-member families, all Kids Unplugged events, with the exception of our Fishkill programs which have their own registration fees, will ask a $8 suggested donation per family. These donations will help Kids Unplugged to solidify its place in the children and nature movement and continue its efforts to create opportunities for free-range, outdoor adventures for kids and their families.

Studies referencing the importance of a “nature and child reunion” abound in current media. From emotional and physical health benefits to nurturing a love for the natural world, time spent in nature has myriad benefits for both children and their parents alike. According to Stephen McCormick, former president of the Nature Conservancy, “I didn’t become a conservationist when I started working at The Nature Conservancy. I became a conservationist growing up in California, crawling all over the grassy knolls and in the oak forests that we called ‘the jungle.’ It was from this immersion in what seemed like a sacred place that I became so deeply committed to conservation. I’m worried about what children will lose by staying cooped up inside – and I’m worried about losing the next generation of conservationists, too.”

Let’s help our kids’ generation find their own sacred places.

Relax, play, explore.

Join Kids Unplugged.

The mission of Kids Unplugged is to foster within children a stronger sense of caring for and ownership of the community and planet while nurturing an intrinsic love for nature and the arts through developmentally appropriate exploration and adventure. It is the hope of Kids Unplugged that children who grow up deeply rooted in this philosophy will become adults with both a greater sense of respect and responsibility for our fragile planet and more meaningful connections to other human beings.

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