Follow the white blazes and in less than a mile, and under 30 minutes, you will find yourself at the summit of Turkey Mountain. This really is a perfect kid-sized hike–not too steep, yet challenging enough to feel like a real accomplishment when the top is reached–and they get to say they climbed a mountain.
Last Thursday was a great day for this hike. The weather was sunny and the wind at the summit was mild, encouraging a mountain-top picnic and long, lingering playtime before our descent. The thing that is most enticing about Turkey Mountain is the vast, level-ish, safe play area at the top. There are lots of small spaces to explore and all sorts of interesting adventures to be had. The kids, after refueling, set out on various expeditions, collecting, hide-and-seeking, potion making and gallivanting. Something that we thought might be an owl pellet was found, different kinds of moss was gathered and clumps of it used as sponges to collect water to be delivered to the potion-area, and parents sat and chatted and observed, mere extras in the theater of play that was emerging among our kids. They worked together to gather the materials they decided they needed, communicating their ideas enthusiastically though several of them had not met prior to the hike.And at one point one of them flew past, arms spread wide calling out, “I feel like I’m in Neverland!”
The pictures don’t really capture the lovely vibe of our mountain top picnic and play. But this is really what Kids Unplugged is all about.
And many thanks to Amy, Kids Unplugged enthusiast, who suggested this hike and who was one of the mamas who made the trek with the babe on her back!
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