The Storm of Storms!

Last week’s snowstorm left us buried under a bit more than two-feet of snow, with no power and lots and lots of local tree damage. In light of this, and for the sake of safety, we’re going to hold off on our events for the next week or so until things are a bit more stable around here. The trails in most parks remain heavy with snow and subsequently difficult for short legs to negotiate. Add to that the broken limbs which continue to hang precariously overhead and I think it’s best to stay out of the woods for a while longer. We can’t even let our girls out in the backyard or driveway because of all the branches that have yet to come down.

Hoping that all of you weathered the storm relatively uneventfully!

Please check back here later in the week for updates and the new spring calendar.

Looking forward to those first bits of green!

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